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The vault is on the left wall of the bank, through the safety deposit box room-it opens to the combination code 60-23-06.

Among the remains is a note that details the plan for the heist as well as the code you'll need to open the vault. Inside the bank, you'll find the remains of a heist gone wrong. You can miss the bank (it's optional) but you'll stumble on it eventually if you just explore the area. The bank is in the giant open area that Ellie journeys to after The Last of Us Part II's opening chapter. It's technically more of a vault than a safe, but you'll need to find the clue to its combination just like the other safes in the game. You'll need to go to an actual bank to find the second safe-which you'll discover very early on in Seattle Day 1 in Seattle's Downtown region. 2: Seattle Day 1 - Downtown (Westlake Bank Vault) The Last of Us Part 2 Spoiler-Free Walkthrough Part 1: Jackson Safe No. Still don't get it? The combination is 07-20-13. If you need help figuring out the clue, look at the pictures that are on the desk and then look at the collection of photos that are on the wall slightly behind you-they detail all the winners of the employee of the month. Finding the clue for the combination is pretty simple too, as it's on the desk right next to the safe.
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The first safe is difficult to miss-in the opening chapter of the game, Jackson, you'll find the safe inside the supermarket that's full of spores and infected. I wanted almost none of it to happen the way it did, and that's what's both beautiful and devastating about it." It's all messy and bleak and made me profoundly sad for myriad reasons, but the more I reflect on it, the more I appreciate the story and characters at its core. In GameSpot's The Last of Us Part II spoiler-free review, Kallie Plagge writes, "At times, the pain you inflict feels so senseless that it can leave you numb. You can check out more coverage in our Last Of Us 2 guides, tips, and walkthroughs roundup and our guide to all The Last of Us 2 Collectibles. ChapterĪpartment bedroom (before dumpster puzzle) Here's a quick rundown of all the safes and their combinations. The Last Of Us 2: Every Safe Code Combination
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So if you want to go into The Last of Us Part II completely free of spoilers, we suggest playing through the game first and then coming back to this guide for a new game plus run or follow-up playthrough. We don't go into narrative developments, but we do spoil what type of locations you'll visit in the game by describing where to find certain safes and their corresponding clues.

Just so you know, we do have to go into slight story spoilers in this guide to explain where certain safes are. Now Playing: The Last Of Us Part II Video Review By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's