I guess if it works on ape fur it's good quality. You see, I'm testing a new depilation cream. Myra: Were you able to retrieve 40 pieces of ape fur?
Don't forget to bring me 40 pieces of ape fur next! Myra: Great! This should be enough for my new dress. Myra: Have you found 20 pieces of red cloth? Now, please bring me 20 pieces of red cloth. Myra: Thank you! I really needed them for my anti-wrinkle lotion. Myra: Oh, did you bring the 70 bat wings for me? I really feel uncomfortable out there in the jungle. Myra: Fine! Let's start with the 70 bat wings. Myra: Did you understand everything I told you and are willing to handle this task? Myra: That's it already! Easy task, isn't it? I'm sure you could get all of that within a short time. ah yes, 15 ounces of magic sulphur and 30 ounces of vampire dust. Myra: Then, 10 spools of spider silk yarn, 60 lizard scales and 40 red dragon scales. Myra: Oh, and also, I could use a whole load of ape fur. Myra: Then, I urgently need a lot of red cloth. First of all, please bring me 70 bat wings. Myra: Okay, great! You see, I need a few magical ingredients which I've run out of. maybe, if you help me a little, I could convince the academy of Edron that you are a valuable help here and deserve an award too.
Myra: This Tiara is an award by the academy of Edron in recognition of my service here.
Go to Edron and talk with Zoltan about reward. Once you bring her all of the requested items, she will award you with the Tiara to wear. She says that her tiara is in recognition of her service to the academy at Edron. Go to Port Hope and talk to Myra about her Outfit. Collect Magic Sulphur from Infernalist or by giving Fire Swords to the Magic Shopkeeper Djinns in the Djinn Towers. Collect Red Dragon Scales from Dragon Lords. Collect Spider Silk Yarn by giving Spider Silk and 50 Honeycombs to Marina the mermaid on Meriana. Collect Holy Orchids from Elf Arcanists. Collect Red Pieces of Cloth by trading Red Robes to Irmana in Venore or hunt Heroes, Barbarians and Infernalist. Collect Bat Wings from Bats, and Mutated Bats. You are advised to collect the items before you speak to the NPC. All items listed above can be obtained before starting this quest. If you want to join again and get the chance to win a potion belt addon, just ask me for the 'bonus'. Sandra: Would you like to leave our bonus system? Sandra: Congratulations! Here, from now on you can wear our lovely potion belt as accessory. Sandra: Would you like to get a lottery ticket instead of the deposit for your vials? From now on, you will have the chance to win the potion belt addon! Sandra: Great! I've signed you up for our bonus system. Sandra: Would you like to join the bonus system now? Sandra: Of course, you can leave or join the bonus system at any time by just asking me for the 'bonus'. Sandra: If you join the bonus system now, I will ask you each time you are bringing back 100 or more vials to me whether you claim your deposit or rather want a lottery ticket. Sandra: Some of these lottery tickets will grant you a special potion belt accessory, if you bring the ticket to me. Each time you deposit 100 vials without claiming the money for it, you will receive a lottery ticket. Sandra: The Edron academy has introduced a bonus system. Sandra: We have a special offer right now for depositing vials. If you win, take the Winning Lottery Ticket and ask for prize. Buy a ticket from her, and you will randomly win or lose the lottery (you will usually lose). She will tell you she is holding a lottery, and each ticket will cost 100 empty vials.
Take at least 100 empty vials to Sandra in Edron.Winning Lottery Ticket or Variable amounts of Empty Vials (minimum of 100, average of 10,000).This means that you cannot get the Hat addon by getting the Female Mage or Male Summoner and then changing sex, as it would be a lot cheaper than getting the actual Ferumbras' Hat.
#Mage time wrinkle full
This means that if you get the Full Mage on a Female character, when changed to Male you'll get Full Summoner. Changing a character's sex will give you the corresponding addon in the other outfit. Similarly, the Fluid Belt and Tiara are the male addon for Summoner Outfit, but female for the Mages Outfit. While the Wand and Hat are present on Mage's Male, they are the corresponding addon on Summoner Female. The Mage Outfits and the Summoner Outfits have their addons reversed for each character sex.