Party planner salary
Party planner salary

party planner salary

*This average is given by as the average over the positions on the site over the past three years. If you want a higher salary, consider the following data we uncovered after analyzing 50 positions in each of these titles across the US: Title Yet there is usually a difference in their salary. The term “coordinator,” for instance, often denotes someone who is less experienced than a “manager.” However, it is possible in the event world to have very little difference between the skills of a manager and a planner, a coordinator and a specialist. If you’ve ever shopped in a grocery store you know that the same product can be priced very differently based on its name. It’s All In The Name: How A Title Can Boost Your Event Salary An Analysis of 50 UK Job Postingsįor London, of the 50 job postings that listed a specific salary, we identified that £33,997 ($44,672.06 USD) was the average salary for event planning jobs in London. An Analysis of 50 US Job Postingsįor the US, after analyzing 50 job vacancies for event planner listed for New York, we calculated the average event planner salary in NYC at $66,000. For job postings that listed a salary range, we used the average of the low and high salary. We also broke down the search based on title and experience to give a much more accurate view of the event industry profession.įor accuracy, we discounted the job postings that had no salary listed. Having analyzed a total sample of 100 job postings in December 2019, we found some interesting information about the current market and the most desired skills of those hiring event profs.Īs location plays a large role in salaries we’ve broken it down to look at the US and UK separately, using New York and London as a baseline. Brand New Research into Actual Event Planner Salaries in the US and UK In March of 2019, the research we conducted revealed that the average event planner in New York City earned $75,659, and in London, the average planner made £28,7842. Since our data collection in January of 2019, salary trends have varied depending on geography. £33,997 is the average salary for event planners in London, UK (December 2019), an increase of 18.11%. $66,000 is the average event planner salary in New York City, USA (December 2019), a decrease of 12.8%.

Party planner salary